Lucy Kok
Lucy Kok works as a senior researcher at SEO Economic Research within the Health & Social Policy cluster. She has a broad overview of quantitative and qualitative research methods and sound knowledge of health care, social security, pension regulations, and the childcare industry.
Lucy Kok has conducted much theoretical and empirical research into the implications of financial stimuli. She takes into account both the intended implications and the negative effects of financial stimuli. For example, she has researched the continuation of pay in the event of illness, the implications of premium differentiation in the WW (unemployment insurance) and the ZW (sickness benefit), the implications of the introduction of the Work and Social Assistance Act (Wet Werk en Bijstand, WWB) on the number of people eligible for social assistance, and the introduction of a different system of funding for general practitioners.
She is an expert in the field of reintegration. She has done research on the long-term effects of reintegration for people for receive unemployment benefit or social security. Furthermore, she has conducted several studies into arrangements for people in the WW and WWB to start self-employment.In the field of industrial organisation, she applied the structure-conduct-performance paradigma on the health insurance market, the market for child care, and the market for re-employment services. Specifically she studied the potential implications of hospital mergers and the effect of no cure no pay contracts in the market for re-employment services.
She has also performed many cost-benefit analyses, for example of health care interventions, reintegration, and child care. She was also a co-author for the Work Guide for cost-benefit analyses in the social domain.
Lucy studied Economics at the University of Groningen and then worked for the University of Groningen, the Emancipatieraad (‘Emancipation Council’), the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment and the Institute for Research on Public Expenditure (IOO). During her time at the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment she was responsible for the financial estimates for social security and pensions, and at the IOO Research Manager, social security and healthcare.
Latest Publications
A letter experiment to increase take-up of wage subsidies by employers98