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Lifestyle and excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic

Excess mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic is higher among individuals with an unhealthy lifestyle. Half of the Dutch population is overweight, and within this group between 70 and 98 percent of excess mortality occurs.



More credit counseling due to COVID-19?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, 18 percent of the Dutch low-income workers experienced an annual income drop of at least € 5,000. As a result, the expected increase in the number of people with problematic falls between 3 and 20 percent. The expected rise in the number of requests for credit counseling equals 3,000 at a minimum and 18,000 at a maximum. This estimation does not include persons whose financial situation worsened because credit counsellors could not reach them during the various lockdowns that were in place.

Social Security and Pensions



Determinants of hospital choice

Proximity is the most important determinant of hospital choice for patients. Quality matters too, but patients travel at most a few minutes extra for a better hospital. Health insures cannot expect a large impact from value based contracting on the number of patients.




Foreign seasonal workers and risk adjustment for health insurers

The compensation that health insurers receive for foreign seasonal workers is too high, whereas the compensation for others who live abroad is too low. The difference is about five hundred euros per year. Risk adjustment between insurers may improve substantially by taking foreign seasonal worker status into account. In 2022, the risk adjustment model will be adjusted in this respect.


2021-109, 2022-01


Evaluation gift tax exemption for mortgage down-payments or prepayments

Gifts under the gift tax exemption for owner-occupied housing in 2017 and 2018 reduced total Dutch mortgage debt by at most 0.3 percent. Underwater mortgages hardly played a role in these years. Furthermore, the gift tax exemption reaches households with a relatively favourable financial position.




Availability of alcohol

Curbing the availability of alcohol may reduce alcohol consumption and alcohol-related damage. For a number of policy options explored in this report, proponents outnumber opponents. Most opponents are moderate drinkers, who do not belong to the target group of the Dutch National Prevention Agreement.

