SEO offers tailor-made courses for companies and governments.

All our courses are taught by experienced lecturers and professors who have years of experience giving lectures and supervising working groups. Our staff also regularly give presentations and lectures.

The courses can be held at your company, at SEO or at another location. The duration and content of the courses can be determined in consultation.

If you would like to know what the possibilities are, please contact us using the contact form below. Of course, you can also contact one of our staff members directly.

We offer the following courses

Contact person: Robbert Rademakers

Key topics of this course are:

  • The role of monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) in results-based management of development programmes
  • Development of Theories of Change
  • Development of short-term, medium-term and long-term indicators
  • Quantitative evaluation methods, including quasi-experimental methods (e.g. Randomised Controlled Trials, Propensity Score Matching)
  • Qualitative evaluation methods, including Contribution Analysis, Outcome Mapping, Outcome Harvesting
  • Triangulation and synthesis of mixed evaluation methods

The exact curriculum and focus of the course can be tailored to the needs and interests of participants. The course is taught by instructors who are highly experienced in designing MEL systems and applying various impact evaluation methods. The format is interactive: in addition to presentations, there is plenty of room for discussion and group exercises. We use concrete examples from projects conducted by SEO or participants, including in the areas of development cooperation and climate.

Trainers: Nienke Oomes, Robbert Rademakers, Debbie Keijser, Thierry Belt

Target group: investment funds, development organisations, NGOs, government staff, consultants

Group size: 10 to 20 persons

Duration: 2-4 days (not necessarily consecutive)

Location: Online, at the client’s office, at SEO, or elsewhere

Language: English or Dutch

Planning: customised