Arjan Heyma
Arjan Heyma is Deputy Director and since 2006 Head of SEO Amsterdam Economics’ Labour & Education practice. He is specialised in the combination of microeconometric analyses with policy research.
Arjan has a doctorate in Labour Economics and has more than 20 years of experience in the field of labour, education and regional economic developments. His research and advisory tasks are primarily aimed at the functioning of the labour market and education market and the relationship between these two. Besides offering policy advice and leading (complex and multidisciplinary) research projects in these areas, he is also involved with (econometric) analyses of labour market developments and the effects of labour market policies (e.g. employee insurance, reintegration services, wages, flexible labour, labour migration, schooling and training), economic implications of ageing, mismatches in the labour market, and innovations in and the added value of education.
In addition to numerous econometric methods, Arjan also makes use of qualitative research techniques including focus group discussions, in-depth interviews, and observations to be able to support effect evaluations with realistic evaluations in order to better explain why effects appear. This way, tools for policies can be more easily identified. For the valuation of effects and policy alternatives, Arjan makes use of Social Cost-Benefit Analyses (SCBA), among other methods, an instrument for which, in the past years, he has been involved with the development of several guidelines.
Arjan studied Econometrics and Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. In 2001, he was awarded a PhD for his thesis ‘Dynamic Models of Labour Force Retirement’, which was based on research carried out at the Centre for Economic Research on Retirement and Ageing (CERRA, Leiden University) and a short stay at Yale University. Arjan was researcher and project manager at TNO Inro from 1998 to 2001, where he carried out research into issues including regional labour market developments, transport conduct, transport mode choices and road pricing. His scientific articles have been published in international journals such as the Journal of Applied Econometrics, the Journal of Population Economics, and the International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health.
Latest publications
The causal effect of paternity leave on the gender earnings gap: evidence from the Netherlands97