Process evaluation of the Teachers Development Fund in the Netherlands
Since October 2015 the Onderwijscoöperatie (Education Co-operation) has been running the LerarenOntwikkelFonds (Teachers Development Fund; LOF), which offers teachers in primary and secondary education the possibility to improve education by implementing their own innovative ideas. A process evaluation was conducted to learn how teachers experience LOF. This was done by conducting a survey among teachers who applied for LOF in the first two tranches (January and April 2016). The survey was filled out by 110 teachers (a response rate of 41 percent). Additionally, an in-depth group session was held with ten LOF teachers.
Teachers mostly become aware of LOF through school. For further information they often consult the websites of LOF and the Onderwijscoöperatie. The information provision of LOF as good according to teachers.
Teachers whose application was rejected have more difficulty applying for LOF than teachers with an approved application. In particular drawing up the budget and describing the contribution of the project to innovation and development of the profession are considered to be difficult. Applicants often are not discouraged by a rejection, though; 60 percent of them resubmit their application.
During the first year teachers are being mentored by LOF. This includes three compulsory Teachers Labs, optional Open Teachers Labs and a coach. The overall experience of the mentorship is good according to teachers. They give it a seven out of ten on average.
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Feel free to contact Djoerd de Graaf via e-mail or phone. He will respond as soon as possible.
Djoerd de Graaf
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