The causal effect of paternity leave on the gender earnings gap: evidence from the Netherlands
This paper analyses the causal impact of paternity leave on the household income shares of mothers. We conclude that that paternity leave does not improve the mother’s income share and, in that sense, does not reduces the gender earnings gap.
Dutch labour market shortages and potential labour supply from Africa and the Middle East: is there a match?
The Netherlands and many other EU countries increasingly face labour market shortages, while around one third of young people in countries near Europe are unemployed. Is there a potential match between demand and supply?
Continuing to work longer with an occupational disability
Given the expected developments in health status, the employment rate of people aged 55 and over can and will increase further until the year 2030.
Process evaluation of the Teachers Development Fund in the Netherlands
The Teachers Development Fund (in Dutch; LOF) offers teachers in primary and secondary education the opportunity to improve education by implementing their own innovative ideas. What are their experiences with LOF?
Quick scan 4 – Evaluation of sector plans
SEO and ecbo perform the monitoring and evaluation of the Regeling Cofinanciering Sectorplannen (scheme for co-financing of sector plans). This fourth quick scan assesses the progress of the planned measures.
Effects of a Master’s programme on teachers and their environment
Following a Master's programme significantly increases the professional knowledge of teachers.
Note Burden on benefits by the flexible workforce 2006-2014
An analysis of the inflow of permanent and flexible workers into social security between 2006 and 2014.
Searching for LD positions in vmbo
Promotions of teachers to LD positions are very rare in preparatory secondary vocational education (vmbo). This report examines the causes.
Working perspectives for older employees
Whereas the employment rate of people aged 55 and over has increased dramatically, the chance of finding employment has actually deteriorated for over-55's. This employment chance is mainly determined by the ratio between productivity and cost.
The theory and practice of second track reintegration
More than one third of employees following a second track programme are re-employed.