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Discussion paper

Then only Two Wise Men came from the East: a Reduction in the Tax Subsidy for High-skilled Immigrants

Many European countries have tax incentives to attract high-skilled immigrants. In 2019, the Netherlands has reduced the duration of the tax subsidy from eight to five years. This paper analyzes the effect of this reduction on the inflow of high-skilled immigrants.

Labour market International Economics



Transition challenges for the Dutch retail sector

This study explores the investment needs of the Dutch retail sector in view of the challenges and opportunities arising from the Triple Transformation. The main finding of this study shows that the retail sector needs additional investments of about 1.2 per cent of turnover per year to realise its goals regarding sustainability, digitalisation, and talent development.

Labour market Sustainability and climate



The social contribution of family businesses in the Netherlands

Family businesses think in generations and strive for continuity, which leads to positive social outcomes.

Labour market



Impact students and alumni FEB-UvA

SEO conducted research on the impact of economics master's alumni at regional and national level. This is a brief overview of the results, obtained from research using CBS Microdata.

Labour market


Discussion paper

A letter experiment to increase take-up of wage subsidies by employers

This paper analyzes the effect of a large-scale randomized letter experiment nudging employers to take up a wage subsidy for previously older unemployed.

Labour market


Discussion paper

The causal effect of paternity leave on the gender earnings gap: evidence from the Netherlands

This paper analyses the causal impact of paternity leave on the household income shares of mothers. We conclude that that paternity leave does not improve the mother’s income share and, in that sense, does not reduces the gender earnings gap.

Labour market



Quick scan 4 – Evaluation of sector plans

SEO and ecbo perform the monitoring and evaluation of the Regeling Cofinanciering Sectorplannen (scheme for co-financing of sector plans). This fourth quick scan assesses the progress of the planned measures.

Labour market



Working perspectives for older employees

Whereas the employment rate of people aged 55 and over has increased dramatically, the chance of finding employment has actually deteriorated for over-55's. This employment chance is mainly determined by the ratio between productivity and cost.

Labour market



Attracting and retaining highly skilled migrants in the Netherlands

Empirical analysis shows that highly skilled migrants stay in the Netherlands longer if their partner is employed.

Labour market



Quick scan 3 – Evaluation sector plans

SEO and ecbo perform the monitoring and evaluation of the Regeling Cofinanciering Sectorplannen (scheme for co-financing of sector plans). This third quick scan assesses, amongst other things, the progress of the planned measures.

Labour market
