
Antonia Petrat

Antonia is junior researcher at the cluster Competition, Aviation and Innovation. She is working at SEO Amsterdam Economics since June 2022.

During her bachelor studies in Economics at the University of Hamburg, Antonia did an exchange year at the University of Amsterdam. Afterwards, she completed two master programs at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam: Economics and Econometrics. Within her master thesis in Economics she conducted a causal impact analysis in R in order to analyze the effect of the introduction of the new code of conduct for mortgage loans in 2011 on the Dutch housing market. She expanded this thesis into a scientific publication. Within her thesis in Econometrics she examined whether the inclusion of Google Trends data within a traditional model for house price prediction (dynamic factor model) can improve the forecasting accuracy. In the course of her studies, Antonia gained experience with working with statistical software to apply econometrical models and conduct statistical analyses. Furthermore, Antonia worked as a data analyst intern at Randstad and gained practical experience with research on labor market scarcity.

If you would like to know what Antonia could do for your organisation, please feel free to contact her directly at: