Evaluation of the AGRI3 Fund
The Inclusive Green Growth department (IGG) of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) commissioned SEO Amsterdam Economics to provide evaluation and monitoring support for the AGRI3 Fund. The evaluation team found that the fund's approach and instruments were relevant but identified a need for increased risk-taking and enhanced use of TA to fully realise its ambitious goals for sustainable agriculture and rural development.
Evaluation gift tax exemption for mortgage down-payments or prepayments
Gifts under the gift tax exemption for owner-occupied housing in 2017 and 2018 reduced total Dutch mortgage debt by at most 0.3 percent. Underwater mortgages hardly played a role in these years. Furthermore, the gift tax exemption reaches households with a relatively favourable financial position.
Balance sheets, income and expenditure of special financial institutions (SFIs)
The Dutch government wants to introduce a withholding tax on outgoing interest and royalty flows to low-tax jurisdictions in order to combat tax avoidance. Which part of these payments is affected by this withholding tax?
Evaluation fiscal entrepreneurship
In the Netherlands there are several fiscal policies with as their primary goal to stimulate entrepreneurship. The Ministry of Economic Affairs has commissioned SEO Amsterdam Economics to analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of eight of such fiscal policies.
Evaluation microfinance
An evaluation of lending to and coaching of (starting) entrepreneurs in small and medium-sized enterprises by Qredits.
Behavioural economics and the housing market
Behavioural economics offer new insights for housing market policy. By making use of these insights the government can make more informed decisions on whether it should implement policies as well as increase the effectiveness.
Literature study on earthquakes and house prices
House prices in earthquake zones are strongly affected by subjective perceptions of earthquake risks. This is the outcome of a study commissioned by the Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschappij (NAM).
Quick Scan Reserve price DVB-T
Based on a Quick Scan, SEO/IViR recommends to maximally set a low but non-trivial reserve price of e.g. € 1 million for the auction of the DVB-T license.
Compliance with the Code of the Dutch Pension Funds
In fiscal year 2014 pension funds have reported on their compliance with the Code of the Dutch Pension Funds for the first time. SEO has monitored the degree of compliance with the Code.
News and the market
What is the state of news provision in the Netherlands and what is the government's role from an economic perspective?