Second opinion SCBA Holwerd aan Zee
The village of Holwerd in northern Friesland has developed the plan Holwerd aan Zee (Holwerd at Sea), which entails the construction of an open water connection between Holwerd and the Wadden Sea to promote tourism. This would also save dredging costs in the Wadden Sea. Witteveen+Bos has performed a social cost-benefit analysis (SCBA) of this plan. SEO has issued a second opinion regarding this SCBA.
A problem analysis and alternatives for Holwerd aan Zee are lacking. The presentation of the SCBA is somewhat unfortunate;
- The plan Holwerd aan Zee may have added social value, but whether this is true is not yet apparent from the SCBA. Further research on dredging volumes, dredging costs, quality of life benefits and the wishes of holidaymakers is needed.
Carl Koopmans
Publication date
Publication number
Area of expertise
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Commissioned by
Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
Published by
SEO Amsterdam Economics
Publication type
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Carl Koopmans
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