Djoerd de Graaf
Djoerd de Graaf is Head of Education at SEO Amsterdam Economics. Because of his diverse work experience, Djoerd is an all-round researcher with regard to education. Over the last 20 years, he has worked for several employers and has occupied different positions in the field of science and policy. Furthermore, he has gained extensive experience in all sorts of educational matters with both quantitative and qualitative research, usually as a project leader.
After his study in Econometrics, Djoerd already spent over twelve years working at SEO as a researcher. During this time, he was responsible for the majority of the education projects. For example, he was the project leader of the first Ad monitor, a topic on which he wrote several (semi) scientific publications. Other projects in this period included the Study Choice Monitor for students in secondary schools, the Student Monitor, the Open System for Higher Education, and Payment Measures for Teachers.
After his time with SEO, Djoerd spent 6 years working in The Hague. During the first three years, he worked as a senior policy advisor with the Advisory Council for Education, co-writing recommendations for educational disadvantages, macro efficiency in MBO (intermediate vocational education) and higher education, the inherent strength of HBO (Higher Professional Education), and the educational labour market. After this, he spent three years working as a strategic advisor at the Ministry of Education, Culture & Science (OCW) in the DG Higher Education, Vocational Education, Science & Emancipation. Here, he was involved with various strategic projects, such as the Strategic Agenda for Higher Education and Research, the industry plans, quality agreements, and the OCW’s exploration of the future ‘Equip and Connect’ (‘Toerusten en verbinden’).
Besides his work with SEO, as an external doctoral candidate at the University of Maastricht, Djoerd is working on a dissertation on highly gifted students in primary education.
Latest publications
Monitor Associate degree 2006-20102010-77