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International Best Practices in Social Security Systems

This research includes six case studies that provide inspiration and lessons for social security policies in the Netherlands and other countries. Each case study reveals trade-offs between efficiency, effectiveness, and feasibility.

Social Security and Pensions


Discussion paper

Minimum income schemes in Europe

This study describes and compares minimum income schemes in five European countries: Belgium (Flanders), Denmark, France, Germany, and the United Kingdom. It considers minimum income schemes aimed at three groups: persons of working age, pensioners, and households with children. We describe the structure of the minimum income schemes in these countries, their shares of recipients, their non-take-up, and we reconstruct the effective minimum income level that these minimum income schemes provide.

Social Security and Pensions



The automatic transfer of inactive small pensions

The automatic transfer of inactive small pensions (less than approx. 500 euros per year) to the current active pension provider failed in 50 percent of the cases. This happened mostly because the individual was not employed in the Netherlands. Transferring entitlement to the largest ‘inactive entitlement' is the best policy option for 60 percent of people with non-transferable small pensions.

Social Security and Pensions



More credit counseling due to COVID-19?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, 18 percent of the Dutch low-income workers experienced an annual income drop of at least € 5,000. As a result, the expected increase in the number of people with problematic falls between 3 and 20 percent. The expected rise in the number of requests for credit counseling equals 3,000 at a minimum and 18,000 at a maximum. This estimation does not include persons whose financial situation worsened because credit counsellors could not reach them during the various lockdowns that were in place.

Social Security and Pensions


Discussion paper

From unemployed to self-employed: using an intention-to-treat approach

The self-employment program is an effective and efficient approach to integrate welfare recipients into the labour market.

Social Security and Pensions



Effects modernization Sickness Benefits Act

One-year reassessment and premium differentiation in the new Sickness Benefits Act result in increased outflow from the Sickness Benefits Act.

Social Security and Pensions



Continuing to work longer with an occupational disability

Given the expected developments in health status, the employment rate of people aged 55 and over can and will increase further until the year 2030.

Social Security and Pensions



Cross-border pension administration

At present 19 Dutch pension schemes are administered abroad, mainly in Belgium. The question is whether this number is still growing and for what reasons pension schemes are accommodated abroad.

Social Security and Pensions



Update of data for distribution model Participation Act 2017

In order to determine the provisional budgets for municipalities for 2017, the data used in the distribution model of the Participation Act should be updated.

Social Security and Pensions



Distribution of secondments and placements amongst hiring employers

First measurement in connection with the Wet banenafspraak en quotum arbeidsbeperkten (Employment agreement and Quota for work-incapacitated persons Act)

Social Security and Pensions
