Then only Two Wise Men came from the East: a Reduction in the Tax Subsidy for High-skilled Immigrants
Many European countries have tax incentives to attract high-skilled immigrants. In 2019, the Netherlands has reduced the duration of the tax subsidy from eight to five years. This paper analyzes the effect of this reduction on the inflow of high-skilled immigrants.
Mid-term evaluation of RVO's Climate and Energy Response Facility (CERF)
Can ‘climate diplomacy’ via Dutch embassies help to speed up climate mitigation and climate adaptation in partner countries? SEO’s recent evaluation of RVO’s Climate and Energy Response Facility (CERF) suggests that it can, under certain conditions. SEO also offers several recommendations to make this instrument more relevant, effective, and efficient.
The economic and social impact of European airports and air connectivity
SEO was commissioned by ACI EUROPE to assess the regional economic and broad impact of airports.