Profit and loss-making insured
Risk equalization compensates insurers for insured with an unfavorable risk profile (eg elderly or chronically ill). This is to counter risk selection and to create a level playing field for insurers. Because of risk equalization insurers with an unhealthy insured population are not at a disadvantage relative to insurers with a healthy insured population.
This analysis charts or in the current equalization system it is still possible to identify foreseeable profit-making and foreseeable loss-making groups of insured. This appears to be the case. Students are very profitable, with an average profit of € 169 per student. Especially female students, they have an average of € 273. Higher educated people generate foreseeable profits too, with an average of € 49 to € 59, depending on whether it is about highest grade education or highest degree program (including current students).
Less educated are foreseeable loss-making. Also, some chronically ill, disabled or people with high levels of care are loss-making, despite of the new Dutch equalization criterion that should generate a better compensation for insured groups with chronic diseases.
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