Elène Lenders
Since 2022, Elène Lenders is working as a researcher for SEO at the cluster aviation, competition and innovation.
Before that, she was active as a project manager at the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, where she was advising international companies in the chemical industry about investing and establishing their business in the Netherlands. In this way, she gathered unique insights into the most recent and sustainable market developments in the chemical and energy industry.
Elène completed her Bachelor Economics and Governance and her Master of Science Environmental Economics at Wageningen University, with one semester at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Her Bachelor thesis looked at the difference between quantity- and price-based emission trading systems. Elène chose to carry out her Master Thesis at SkyNRG, market leader of sustainable aviation fuels . For this, she analyzed and compared the life cycle and the costs-and benefits of sustainable aviation fuel versus fossil aviation fuel. Further, Elène interned at a department of the Dutch Embassy in Houston, where she analyzed the market potential of renewable energy for Dutch entrepreneurs in Texas.
Latest Publications
Transition challenges for the Dutch retail sector2024-67b